Linktree: Podcast link

Empowering podcast creators to grow their audience

  • Product design
  • Prototyping
  • Delivery documentation
  • QA
  • Product Manager
  • Technical Lead
  • Front-end Engineer
Responsive web application

2 months
Linktree is the world’s most popular link in bio tool. It enables +35M people—including some of the world’s biggest brands, influencers and celebrities—to unify their digital presence and share everything they create, curate and sell online from a simple, customisable landing page. Collectively, Linktrees receive +1.2 billion unique visitors a month.

The atomic unit of a Linktree is a “link”, which can be anything from a simple URL that redirects a visitor to another webpage, to a dynamic experience with rich embedded video or audio content from popular social media platforms.

In an effort to extend their reach, connect with new fans and grow their audience, podcast creators host their shows on as many streaming platforms as possible. This is because listeners often look beyond the top services (e.g. Spotify and Apple Podcasts) to discover content. To account for this, creators using Linktree would create seperate links for each platform. Not only was this a frustrating and time consuming process, but the resulting list of links occupied the majority of the space on their Linktree, pushing other content further down the page where it’s less likely to be seen and engaged with by visitors.
Links to multiple podcast streaming services displayed as individual links

This also wasn’t ideal from a visitor’s perspective. Anyone arriving on a Linktree had to spend time searching for their preferred streaming service with only the title of the link (provided by the creator) to go by, as there was no way to visually differentiate between different platforms. Additionally, for anyone unfamiliar with the podcast, there was no way to access additional context such as subject matter, when it was created and how many episodes there are.

I led the end-to-end design of a new Podcast Link type that consolidates all the platforms a podcast is hosted on into one interactive, engaging surface, resulting in a better experience for creators and their visitors. Leveraging a unique content matching service (powered by SongLink/Odezli, which was acquired by Linktree in 2021), creators only need to provide a single URL and Linktree will automatically detect everywhere the podcast is available to stream. The podcast’s display imagery and description are automatically populated, and visitors can even listen to a preview of recent episodes.
Adding a Podcast Link as a creator

Interacting with a Podcast Link as a visitor

Final visual design elements of Podcast Link’s visitor experience

Following a successful rollout, go to market campaign and release in Linktree’s App Marketplace, as of June 2023 there were 248,585 active Podcast Links across 180,646 Linktree accounts with a 61% adoption rate (i.e. 61% of creators that added an eligible podcast URL to their Linktree are using Podcast Link).

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